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Batch job result.

Source code in hume/_batch/
class BatchJobResult:
    """Batch job result."""

    def __init__(
        configs: Dict[ModelType, JobConfigBase],
        urls: List[str],
        status: BatchJobStatus,
        predictions_url: Optional[str] = None,
        artifacts_url: Optional[str] = None,
        errors_url: Optional[str] = None,
        error_message: Optional[str] = None,
        job_start_time: Optional[int] = None,
        job_end_time: Optional[int] = None,
        """Construct a BatchJobResult.

            configs (Dict[ModelType, JobConfigBase]): Configurations for the `BatchJob`.
            urls (List[str]): URLs processed in the `BatchJob`.
            status (BatchJobStatus): Status of `BatchJob`.
            predictions_url (Optional[str]): URL to predictions file.
            artifacts_url (Optional[str]): URL to artifacts zip archive.
            errors_url (Optional[str]): URL to errors file.
            error_message (Optional[str]): Error message for request.
            job_start_time (Optional[int]): Time when job started.
            job_end_time (Optional[int]): Time when job completed.
        self.configs = configs
        self.urls = urls
        self.status = status
        self.predictions_url = predictions_url
        self.artifacts_url = artifacts_url
        self.errors_url = errors_url
        self.error_message = error_message
        self.job_start_time = job_start_time
        self.job_end_time = job_end_time

    def download_predictions(self, filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None:
        """Download `BatchJob` predictions file.

            filepath (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): Filepath where predictions will be downloaded.
        if self.predictions_url is None:
            raise HumeClientError("Could not download job predictions. No predictions found on job result.")
        urlretrieve(self.predictions_url, filepath)

    def download_artifacts(self, filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None:
        """Download `BatchJob` artifacts zip archive.

            filepath (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): Filepath where artifacts zip archive will be downloaded.
        if self.artifacts_url is None:
            raise HumeClientError("Could not download job artifacts. No artifacts found on job result.")
        urlretrieve(self.artifacts_url, filepath)

    def download_errors(self, filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None:
        """Download `BatchJob` errors file.

            filepath (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): Filepath where errors will be downloaded.
        if self.errors_url is None:
            raise HumeClientError("Could not download job errors. No errors found on job result.")
        urlretrieve(self.errors_url, filepath)

    def get_error_message(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get any available error messages on the job.

            Optional[str]: A string with the error message if there was an error, otherwise `None`.
        return self.error_message

    def get_run_time(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """Get the total time in seconds it took for the job to run if the job is in a terminal state.

            Optional[int]: Time in seconds it took for the job to run. If the job is not in a terminal
                state then `None` is returned.
        if self.job_start_time is not None and self.job_end_time is not None:
            return self.job_end_time - self.job_start_time
        return None

    def get_start_time(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
        """Get the time the job started running.

            Optional[datetime]: Datetime when the job started running. If the job has not started
                then `None` is returned.
        if self.job_start_time is None:
            return None
        return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.job_start_time)

    def get_end_time(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
        """Get the time the job stopped running if the job is in a terminal state.

            Optional[datetime]: Datetime when the job started running. If the job is not in a terminal
                state then `None` is returned.
        if self.job_end_time is None:
            return None
        return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.job_end_time)

    def from_response(cls, response: Any) -> "BatchJobResult":
        """Construct a `BatchJobResult` from a batch API job response.

            response (Any): Batch API job response.

            BatchJobResult: A `BatchJobResult` based on a batch API job response.
            request = response["request"]
            configs = {}
            for model_name, config_dict in request["models"].items():
                model_type = ModelType.from_str(model_name)
                config = config_from_model_type(model_type).deserialize(config_dict)
                configs[model_type] = config

            kwargs = {}
            if "completed" in response:
                completed_dict = response["completed"]
                kwargs["artifacts_url"] = completed_dict["artifacts_url"]
                kwargs["errors_url"] = completed_dict["errors_url"]
                kwargs["predictions_url"] = completed_dict["predictions_url"]

            if "failed" in response:
                failed_dict = response["failed"]
                if "message" in failed_dict:
                    kwargs["error_message"] = failed_dict["message"]

            if "creation_timestamp" in response:
                kwargs["job_start_time"] = response["creation_timestamp"]

            if "completion_timestamp" in response:
                kwargs["job_end_time"] = response["completion_timestamp"]

            return cls(
        # pylint: disable=broad-except
        except Exception as exc:
            message = cls._get_invalid_response_message(response)
            raise HumeClientError(message) from exc

    def _get_invalid_response_message(cls, response: Any) -> str:
        response_str = json.dumps(response)
        message = f"Could not parse response into BatchJobResult: {response_str}"

        # Check for invalid API key
        if "fault" in response and "faultstring" in response["fault"]:
            fault_string = response["fault"]["faultstring"]
            if fault_string == "Invalid ApiKey":
                message = "Client initialized with invalid API key"

        return message

__init__(*, configs, urls, status, predictions_url=None, artifacts_url=None, errors_url=None, error_message=None, job_start_time=None, job_end_time=None)

Construct a BatchJobResult.


Name Type Description Default
configs Dict[ModelType, JobConfigBase]

Configurations for the BatchJob.

urls List[str]

URLs processed in the BatchJob.

status BatchJobStatus

Status of BatchJob.

predictions_url Optional[str]

URL to predictions file.

artifacts_url Optional[str]

URL to artifacts zip archive.

errors_url Optional[str]

URL to errors file.

error_message Optional[str]

Error message for request.

job_start_time Optional[int]

Time when job started.

job_end_time Optional[int]

Time when job completed.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def __init__(
    configs: Dict[ModelType, JobConfigBase],
    urls: List[str],
    status: BatchJobStatus,
    predictions_url: Optional[str] = None,
    artifacts_url: Optional[str] = None,
    errors_url: Optional[str] = None,
    error_message: Optional[str] = None,
    job_start_time: Optional[int] = None,
    job_end_time: Optional[int] = None,
    """Construct a BatchJobResult.

        configs (Dict[ModelType, JobConfigBase]): Configurations for the `BatchJob`.
        urls (List[str]): URLs processed in the `BatchJob`.
        status (BatchJobStatus): Status of `BatchJob`.
        predictions_url (Optional[str]): URL to predictions file.
        artifacts_url (Optional[str]): URL to artifacts zip archive.
        errors_url (Optional[str]): URL to errors file.
        error_message (Optional[str]): Error message for request.
        job_start_time (Optional[int]): Time when job started.
        job_end_time (Optional[int]): Time when job completed.
    self.configs = configs
    self.urls = urls
    self.status = status
    self.predictions_url = predictions_url
    self.artifacts_url = artifacts_url
    self.errors_url = errors_url
    self.error_message = error_message
    self.job_start_time = job_start_time
    self.job_end_time = job_end_time


Download BatchJob artifacts zip archive.


Name Type Description Default
filepath Optional[Union[str, Path]]

Filepath where artifacts zip archive will be downloaded.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def download_artifacts(self, filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None:
    """Download `BatchJob` artifacts zip archive.

        filepath (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): Filepath where artifacts zip archive will be downloaded.
    if self.artifacts_url is None:
        raise HumeClientError("Could not download job artifacts. No artifacts found on job result.")
    urlretrieve(self.artifacts_url, filepath)


Download BatchJob errors file.


Name Type Description Default
filepath Optional[Union[str, Path]]

Filepath where errors will be downloaded.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def download_errors(self, filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None:
    """Download `BatchJob` errors file.

        filepath (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): Filepath where errors will be downloaded.
    if self.errors_url is None:
        raise HumeClientError("Could not download job errors. No errors found on job result.")
    urlretrieve(self.errors_url, filepath)


Download BatchJob predictions file.


Name Type Description Default
filepath Optional[Union[str, Path]]

Filepath where predictions will be downloaded.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def download_predictions(self, filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None:
    """Download `BatchJob` predictions file.

        filepath (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): Filepath where predictions will be downloaded.
    if self.predictions_url is None:
        raise HumeClientError("Could not download job predictions. No predictions found on job result.")
    urlretrieve(self.predictions_url, filepath)

from_response(response) classmethod

Construct a BatchJobResult from a batch API job response.


Name Type Description Default
response Any

Batch API job response.



Name Type Description
BatchJobResult BatchJobResult

A BatchJobResult based on a batch API job response.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def from_response(cls, response: Any) -> "BatchJobResult":
    """Construct a `BatchJobResult` from a batch API job response.

        response (Any): Batch API job response.

        BatchJobResult: A `BatchJobResult` based on a batch API job response.
        request = response["request"]
        configs = {}
        for model_name, config_dict in request["models"].items():
            model_type = ModelType.from_str(model_name)
            config = config_from_model_type(model_type).deserialize(config_dict)
            configs[model_type] = config

        kwargs = {}
        if "completed" in response:
            completed_dict = response["completed"]
            kwargs["artifacts_url"] = completed_dict["artifacts_url"]
            kwargs["errors_url"] = completed_dict["errors_url"]
            kwargs["predictions_url"] = completed_dict["predictions_url"]

        if "failed" in response:
            failed_dict = response["failed"]
            if "message" in failed_dict:
                kwargs["error_message"] = failed_dict["message"]

        if "creation_timestamp" in response:
            kwargs["job_start_time"] = response["creation_timestamp"]

        if "completion_timestamp" in response:
            kwargs["job_end_time"] = response["completion_timestamp"]

        return cls(
    # pylint: disable=broad-except
    except Exception as exc:
        message = cls._get_invalid_response_message(response)
        raise HumeClientError(message) from exc


Get the time the job stopped running if the job is in a terminal state.


Type Description

Optional[datetime]: Datetime when the job started running. If the job is not in a terminal state then None is returned.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def get_end_time(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
    """Get the time the job stopped running if the job is in a terminal state.

        Optional[datetime]: Datetime when the job started running. If the job is not in a terminal
            state then `None` is returned.
    if self.job_end_time is None:
        return None
    return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.job_end_time)


Get any available error messages on the job.


Type Description

Optional[str]: A string with the error message if there was an error, otherwise None.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def get_error_message(self) -> Optional[str]:
    """Get any available error messages on the job.

        Optional[str]: A string with the error message if there was an error, otherwise `None`.
    return self.error_message


Get the total time in seconds it took for the job to run if the job is in a terminal state.


Type Description

Optional[int]: Time in seconds it took for the job to run. If the job is not in a terminal state then None is returned.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def get_run_time(self) -> Optional[int]:
    """Get the total time in seconds it took for the job to run if the job is in a terminal state.

        Optional[int]: Time in seconds it took for the job to run. If the job is not in a terminal
            state then `None` is returned.
    if self.job_start_time is not None and self.job_end_time is not None:
        return self.job_end_time - self.job_start_time
    return None


Get the time the job started running.


Type Description

Optional[datetime]: Datetime when the job started running. If the job has not started then None is returned.

Source code in hume/_batch/
def get_start_time(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
    """Get the time the job started running.

        Optional[datetime]: Datetime when the job started running. If the job has not started
            then `None` is returned.
    if self.job_start_time is None:
        return None
    return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.job_start_time)